Friday 11 May 2012

Qaeda bombmaker designed latest stealth range to conceal in Cameras, Hard Drives and Pets

Washington, May 10 (ANI): A Saudi Arabian bomb maker has revealed the latest Al Qaeda bombs are designed so that they can be surgically implanted in terrorists, pets and computer hardrives.
Ibrahim al-Asir, an undercover agent with Saudi intelligence and the CIA, has created many hard-to-detect bombs inside cameras, computers and even household pets that get past security screening easily.
The Al Qaeda bomb designs emerged after al-Asir, was caught during a sting operation in Yemen.
"It makes him (al-Asir) dangerous and it's clear that we want to make sure that he doesn't have the opportunity to A, to continue to do, to build any device whatsoever, or impart his knowledge to anyone else who wants to build these devices," ABC News quoted Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, was reported, as saying. (ANI)

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